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It's Never Too Early to Go Camping With Kids

Going camping with kids is a great experience but it will add a few wrinkles to the trip so these tips will help ensure you all have a great time.

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A campfire, the campfire is a must for just about any camping trip. And when kids are on the trip the campfire really makes the experience that much more memorable for the little ones. A few notes about safety, safety is the most important factor when having a fire. Keep the kids back from the fire pit and under adult supervision at all times when the fire is burning or the coals are hot. Don't leave things near the fire pit that people can accidentally trip on and potentially fall into the fire. Also make sure to put the fire completely out before leaving the area or going to bed. Think like Smokey the Bear.

While sitting around the fire make sure that you enjoy a favorite pastime of campers, s'mores. It is best to stick with the basics:

  • Graham cracker
  • Plain Hershey chocolate bars
  • Regular size marshmallows

The key to a good s'more is a hot marshmallow. So you need to do a little prep first. Believe me don't just start roasting the marshmallow without the prep. If you do, the marshmallow will cool down too much and won't warm the chocolate. So the first step is to prepare the graham cracker and chocolate on a plate. This is so simple, but integral to a successfully delicious s'more. Now you can roast the marshmallow to your liking. Just don't let it get too gooey and drop into the fire, a rookie mistake. Once it is roasting, transfer it onto the chocolate covered graham cracker and it will be ready to eat. But please be careful not to burn the roof of your mouth. Now sit back and watch the smiles emerge on the kids' faces. Priceless.

While they are enjoying the s'mores you can partake in singing some classic campfire songs or in reading some stories aloud. These small things really add a lot to a fun evening with the kids by the campfire. Do a little research ahead of time and bring along a few good songs you can all sing. Or swing by the library and pick up a few good children's books with a camping twist you can read aloud while enjoying the fire.

Don't forget about kid friendly food. Pancakes for breakfast are always a big hit, match that with some bacon and you will have some happy little campers! I hope these tips will help you and your family enjoy your next, or perhaps, first camping trip. Have fun.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. Please go here for information on camping and gear. Camping with kids may require a potty break or two so visit my post about selecting a camping toilet. Article Source:

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